Later, more difficult, less content
It is the (or was as I’m typing this up the day after) end of the conference. It’s also later in the day. Sorry.
More difficult
I am really tired. Awfully It’s hard to think and I struggle with coherent thought at the best of times.
Less content
No, no, no, not Splash but this post, cf. the above two points. Don’t turn away, Gentle Reader, there is some good in what comes.
The last breakfast
No, not the Last Supper, but the awards breakfast. That’s a lot of people. Again – and this is silly – the food was good. Come to Splash 2024 and have a great meal isn’t much of a tag line, but it is important.
Awards, there were a lot of them
There were many categories, many prizes, and many photographs as a result.
Here’s the award for the second best presentation.
And first place.
And here’s my YoungerTallerSmarterObjectivelyBetterLookingBrotherFromTotallyDifferentParents winning his well-deserved OneCommunity award as the most prolfic partner. I think he might be clinically insane to put the amount of time in that he does, but Celvin loves helping people.
I am quite possibly the worst photographer in the world:
Yet another award
Did I take a photo? No. Did I actually participate in the glorious victory? No. What did BDA win? Best costume/collective goofiness with a Grease the movie theme of greasers and Pink Ladies. Yr. Obt. Svt. is selectively extroverted but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
The rest of the conference
I attended another session on Data Units and then spent the rest of the conference just talking. I am a bit of a Chatty Cathy and as I’ve noted, much of the value of conferences is in the people you meet. Splash is no exception. Again, I encourage all and sundry to figure out how to justify your presence here. Present, grovel for permission, fund your own way (for the Extra and Possibly Misguided/Enthusiastic), whatever. It’s worth it.
My take on Splash 2023
The rooms practically cracked with the electricity. Excitement, genuine and unsolicited, was in the air. Enthusiasm from OneStream, customers, and consultants alike. I’ve noted before that OneStream is meteoric in its growth and trajectory. I’ve seen nothing to contradict that.
The product is evolving: ChatGPT was everywhere, the UX is moving to HTML5, PartnerPlace, and OpenPlace launched. There’s active investment in the product and it shows.
I’ve worked with (gasp) five different performance management vendors. OneStream has moved beyond the startup (Arbor Software), the mature behemoth (Oracle), the midsize (Hyperion), and the dinosaur (Comshare) in energy, vision, and enthusiasm.
Splash2024 will be even better.
Be seeing you.